Shih Tzu

The Shih tzu is a very small dog with a balanced and friendly nature. These small pets are hardy, healthy and extremely long-lived. They require regular grooming and training, but are suitable even for an inexperienced handler

Their care requires regularity, but it is not particularly difficult. With such a dog can cope even a person who previously did not have a four-legged companion. The main difficulty is undoubtedly to know the correct name of this breed, because it is also searched as: "shi tzu", "shihu tzu", or simply "shih tzu dog breed". Below you will find everything you would like to know about this breed. 


Shih tzu - weight and appearance
Shih tzu belong to small dog breeds. Males reach a size between 22 and 27 cm, while females - only 20-25 cm. Their weight varies from 4 to 8 kg. As you can see, they are not small. However, although they appear fragile and delicate, they are robust and quite well muscled, especially in the limbs.

What does the breed look like?

Their heads are round and their jaws are wide. Occasionally, these dogs even have a slight forebite or claw bite. Shih tzu have round, large eyes that are dark in color, although lighter eyes are sometimes seen in liver or liver-colored dogs. Their noses are mostly black. There are exceptions here too - liver shih tzu will already have lighter noses, usually dark liver colored. They have dangling and large ears, and their tail is set high and richly furred
The outer coat of this breed is long and thick. Nevertheless, the hair should not interfere with their movement or their vision. All coat colors are allowed - white tip of the tail and a white blaze on the head are desirable for spotted shih tzu.


Shih tzu - disposition
Shih tzu are among the dogs with a balanced and non-confrontational nature. Although they are quite independent animals that do not need the constant presence of man in their environment, this does not mean that they do not get attached to their guardian. On the contrary. This breed is one of the devoted and loyal animals that will want to spend time with their beloved human. They may need moments of solitude at times, but they do not shy away from cuddling, stroking or playing and training. Their devotion to their human makes them not prone to running away and they remain calm on walks (although they are not always obedient).

Calmness and charm, the main features of this breed
The Shih tzu wins people over with its natural charm and attracts others with its calm and friendly character. They get along well with both people and other animals. They have practically no hunting instinct. Although they are very brave, their natural trust in people makes them unsuitable for guarding.

Shih tzu - dogs full of energy
Shih tzu eagerly participate in games and various physical activities. Scouting is a way for them to unload accumulated energy and to bond with their guardian. They are intelligent dogs, which with proper training quickly learn new commands. At the same time, however, you must bear in mind that they need a lot of patience. They are independent by nature and do not always want to obey "orders".

How to keep a dog in good shape?
Training is extremely important when it comes to these animals. They can adapt to almost any living conditions, which makes some people treat them as typical "couch potatoes" and neglect their need for physical activity. This, in turn, may lead to excessive weight gain - dogs of this breed belong to gluttons and, due to lack of exercise, may gain too much weight. Therefore, it is important to feed them rationally and play and train them regularly to keep them healthy and happy.

Shih tzu - diseases
Shih tzu from good breeding belong to hardy dogs and most diseases are not afraid of them. They get sick relatively rarely, but the breed is obviously prone to certain disorders. These include:

eye diseases;
dental diseases;
narrowing of the nostrils and allergies;

Among the most common conditions that happen to them are eye diseases. Sometimes the tear ducts become narrowed, and this causes excessive tearing from the eyes. Also, their eyes, due to their size, can sometimes suffer mechanical injuries. Dog owners want to protect their dogs' eyes from irritation and sometimes tie their hair with a rubber band on the top of their head. It is also a good idea to regularly inspect and wash the area around the eyes to remove debris.

How to take care of their teeth, kidneys and spine?
They also very often suffer from dental disease, so caregivers should pay special attention to them. Regular tartar removal can help prevent spoilage and tooth loss. Besides, it's not uncommon for dogs to suffer from kidney disorders, so their guardians are advised to regularly take their pets for veterinary check-ups. This way you can detect possible diseases early. The diseases that the guardians of this breed should also pay attention to are nostril constriction and allergies. In addition, dogs up to about 6-7 months of age should not use stairs by themselves, because it can put too much strain on their spine and lead to joint degeneration.

Despite some diseases, which the owners of these dogs should of course pay attention to, these animals are extremely healthy. The proof? They live exceptionally long lives - from 10 to even 20 years!

Shih Tzu Dog - Grooming
The shih tzu coat is long and very dense. For this reason, they require careful grooming. The hair should be combed daily, using a special comb or brush with metal teeth. You must pay special attention to the formation of tangles in the hair, especially during the moulting period. This phenomenon occurs in puppies, around the eighth month. At that time, their coat changes from puppy to adult. Some people, in order to facilitate the process of combing, spray dogs' hair with a mixture of gentle conditioner and water.

How to take care of his coat?

The cosmetics used to clean the coat of the shih tzu should be of high quality and adapted to the care of dogs. Human cosmetics can irritate the skin of animals. A very important factor in the care of their coat is also to regulate its length. The hair should be trimmed around the paws and under the tail. Some people also decide to gently cut the fringe, so that it does not obscure the dogs field of vision. If the animal does not participate in exhibitions, you can go to the groomer and give the dog a radical cut. Then there is no frequent bathing of the pet - we wash him only when necessary.
Shih tzu eyes are not infrequently exposed to various diseases. Quite common in them is narrowing of the tear ducts. The dog's eyes tear excessively, and this leads to brown streaks. Regular inspection of dogs' eyes, combined with washing the area around them, will help keep them clean and contribute to their comfort.

Shih tzu diet, or the basis of their good condition
Shih tzu nutrition is a very important part of proper care. They are gluttonous and unfortunately tend to get fat. Portions of food should be properly adjusted, given at regular times (puppies should eat 3-4 times a day, while adults should eat 1-2). In case the animal receives additional treats e.g. during play or training, they should be added to the daily calorie balance. For food you can give ready-made food from a reputable company or decide to prepare the meals yourself - then you should remember to supplement the food with special preparations with vitamins.

Shih tzu and extreme temperatures
Shih tzu are among the dogs that tolerate heat extremely poorly. In the case of high temperatures, give them plenty of water and provide an adequately shaded place. It is also advisable to limit longer walks. Thanks to their undercoat, they do quite well in cold weather. It is worth remembering that in case your dog has a short haircut, you should put warm clothes on him for walks, so as not to expose him to the cold.

Shih tzu breed - breeding
These dogs are extremely popular in our country, thus it is not difficult to find a registered kennel. However, beware of places about which you have suspicions that do not operate in accordance with the rules set out by the Kennel Club. You may come across ads for the sale of so-called shih tzu miniatures - but remember that such a breed does not exist, and any dog that weighs less than 4 kg is a deviation from the standard. "Miniatures", as a rule, have many genetic defects that contribute to their premature death.

Shih tzu - price

 Anyone wishing to take in a shih tzu should expect to pay around 800 euros. However, the final price of the dog will depend on many factors, such as the age and sex of the animal and the reputation of the kennel.

Shih tzu dogs - history of the breed
It is not entirely clear when to date the origin of this breed. Most likely, it originated in 17th century China, in the area of Tibet. It is said that the emperor of the Qing dynasty after receiving Lhasa apso dogs as a gift from the Dalai Lama crossed them with Pekingese, giving rise to a breed similar to the shih tzu. However, it is possible that they are much older.

They did not gain their greatest popularity until the 19th century. It is assumed that professional breeding of these animals began only during the reign of Empress Tzu Hsi.

History of the breed in the 20th century
In 1934 the Dog Breeders Association in Beijing was established, and in 1938 the official breed standard was established. After the Communists came to power, they got rid of most of the dogs living in the palace rooms. The majority of Chinese people still adored these dogs, but they were no longer as easy to come across as they once were.

Shih tzu - for whom?
As we have already mentioned, these animals get along very well with almost everyone. They are distinguished by irresistible charm and serenity. They are trusting and even reach out to people they don't know very well. However, their potential owners should be aware that these dogs are not always inclined to cuddle and play - they do not refuse it when they themselves feel like it, but should not be forced to do so.

The perfect companion for children and the elderly
They do not show aggression, they are nice and conflict-free. Thanks to this, dogs are an ideal companion also for older children. Puppies should be in the company of this breed only under the care of adults, because they may inadvertently hurt these little dogs. Shih tzu are also suitable as companionship of the elderly. However, they should remember to provide the dog with a daily dose of physical activity, e.g. when retrieving a ball.

The almost complete lack of hunting instinct means that these dogs can live in a house where there are also other animals. They will certainly get along with peaceful dogs, cats, and smaller animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs.

What should be the guardian of a dog of this breed?
Shih tzu dogs need a caregiver who is affectionate and firm at the same time. You don't need any special skills to take care of them. However, you should remember a few tips that will allow you to raise a dog that is friendly and obedient. Failure to train and give in to everything else can make him frustrated and wayward.

Shih tzu - interesting facts
The name "shih tzu" comes from Chinese and means "lion dog". Due to the shape of the hair on the head, it is often also called a "chrysanthemum dog".

Many famous people have or have had dogs of this breed, incl. Colin Farell, Bill Gates, Beyonce, and Mariah Carey.

For a long time, the people of China did not allow dogs to be taken abroad. Despite this, the first appearance of shih tzu in Europe can be dated back to the 30s of the twentieth century. In 1935, a dog club of this breed was founded in England. 

 They are gentle and friendly dogs, which, however, need upbringing and a clear set of rules. If you properly balance a tender and firm approach, such a dog will be your friend for many years.


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